When: Ferbuary 9, 2025, 9am-11am (Ottawa) / 2pm-4pm (London) / 3pm-5pm (Paris)
Where: Live videoconference from Ottawa
Cost : Voluntary contribution
Where: Live videoconference from Ottawa
Cost : Voluntary contribution
Centering Prayer is about relationship, relationship to ourselves and deepening our relationship to God through silent prayer.
Our intention to consent to God’s presence and action within us in this form of meditation allows the Spirit of God to become our Divine Therapist by removing the obstacles that prevent our union to a God of Love. In this presentation, Hélène GOULET, will explain the fundamental principles of Centering Prayer and how this receptive method of prayer unfolds over time and practice to bring forward our spiritual transformation, by preparing our faculties to receive the gift of Contemplation. |
Hélène GOULET is a certified spiritual director from the Haden Institute and commissioned presenter for Contemplative Outreach Intl. She is co-coordinator for Prière de consentement Québec (Centering Prayer) where she is responsible for retreats, formation and communication. She develops and provides training on several topics related to Centering Prayer. Among other academic qualifications, she holds a post-grad diploma in Contemplative Theology from St. Paul’s University in Ottawa.
Voluntary contribution. To facilitate participation in our lectures, no fee is required. However, we do ask for your generosity to help us make our activities accessible to as many people as possible.
When you register, you will receive the ZOOM link to attend the event in question. Those unable to attend live will receive a recording of the lecture.
When you register, you will receive the ZOOM link to attend the event in question. Those unable to attend live will receive a recording of the lecture.