2002-Present: Faculty of Theology, Saint Paul University, Ottawa
2010-Present: Associate Professor
2005-2010: Assistant Professor
2004-2005: Full time Lecturer
2002-2004: Part time Lecturer
Fall 2004: Invited lecturer at the University of Salzburg and Bildungshaus St. Virgil (Austria)
2003: Post-doctoral research, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA.
2001: Post-doctoral research, Vidyajyoti Theological Center, Delhi, India
1995-2002: Lecturer or invited lecturer at the University of Montreal, Concordia University, University of Sherbrooke, Institut de pastorale des Dominicains de Montréal (Canada), University of Salzburg and Bildungshaus St. Virgil (Austria), and Facoltà di Teologia, Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo (Rome, Italy).
. PhD Theology (University of Montreal, 1999)
. MA Theology (University of Montreal, 1992)
. Licence equivalence (Faculté de théologie protestante, Strasbourg, 1990)
. DEUG (Faculté de théologie protestante, Strasbourg, 1989)
. DEU (80%) (Faculté d’Ethnologie, Strasbourg, 1989)
. Senator, Saint Paul University
. Senator, University of Ottawa
. Director, Graduate Diploma in Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentorship
. Member, University of Ottawa Senate committee for the evaluation of undergraduate degrees
. Member, Graduate Studies, Saint Paul University
. President, Office of Research Committee
. Editorial Committee, Dilatato Corde journal
. Executive Committee (adviser), Canadian Society of Theology
2002-Present: Faculty of Theology, Saint Paul University, Ottawa
2010-Present: Associate Professor
2005-2010: Assistant Professor
2004-2005: Full time Lecturer
2002-2004: Part time Lecturer
Fall 2004: Invited lecturer at the University of Salzburg and Bildungshaus St. Virgil (Austria)
2003: Post-doctoral research, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA.
2001: Post-doctoral research, Vidyajyoti Theological Center, Delhi, India
1995-2002: Lecturer or invited lecturer at the University of Montreal, Concordia University, University of Sherbrooke, Institut de pastorale des Dominicains de Montréal (Canada), University of Salzburg and Bildungshaus St. Virgil (Austria), and Facoltà di Teologia, Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo (Rome, Italy).
. PhD Theology (University of Montreal, 1999)
. MA Theology (University of Montreal, 1992)
. Licence equivalence (Faculté de théologie protestante, Strasbourg, 1990)
. DEUG (Faculté de théologie protestante, Strasbourg, 1989)
. DEU (80%) (Faculté d’Ethnologie, Strasbourg, 1989)
. Senator, Saint Paul University
. Senator, University of Ottawa
. Director, Graduate Diploma in Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentorship
. Member, University of Ottawa Senate committee for the evaluation of undergraduate degrees
. Member, Graduate Studies, Saint Paul University
. President, Office of Research Committee
. Editorial Committee, Dilatato Corde journal
. Executive Committee (adviser), Canadian Society of Theology
. Blée, F., Peelman, A., Le dialogue interreligieux : Enjeux et perspectives. N'éteignez pas l'Esprit, Novalis/Bayard, Montreal, 2012, 240p.
. La mystique démystifiée, Novalis/Bayard, Montreal, 2010. 200p.
The Third Desert. The Story of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Liturgical Press, Collegeville (MN), 2011, 227p.
. Il deserto dell'alterità. Un'esperienza spiritualuale del dialogo interreligioso, Cittadella, Assisi, 2006, 311p.
. The desert of otherness. A spiritual experience of interreligious dialogue, Médiaspaul, Montreal/Paris, 2004, 229p.
. Apports et critiques des studios de yoga (pratique des asanas), à la lumière du Shivaïsme du Cachemire, pour une spiritualité chrétienne incarnée, Religions (publication planned in 2022)
. Christian-Buddhist dialogue. Its contribution to monastic interreligious dialogue. In: Thomas Cattoi (ed.), Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies, London, Routledge (forthcoming 2022)
. The experience of God in the work of Raimon Panikkar. Epistemological elements for a contemporary approach to the divine, Dilatato Corde, Vol. XI-2 (July-December 2021). Online Journal
. The way of desire. Christian mysticism echoing the non-dual tantric system of Trika (Śivaism of Kashmir). In: Laurent Basanese and Paolo Trianni, Religioni in Asia. Uno Sguardo contestuale, Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations 13 (Pontificia Università Gregoriana Pontificio Istituto Biblico), 2021, pp. 29-58.
. Henri Le Saux and the psyche. Advaitic approach of the soul and contribution of India. In: C. Maillard / S. Goldblum, Mystique et psychisme - une approche interculturelle / Mystik und Psyche in interkultureller Perspektive, Recherches germaniques 16 (Hors-série), Strasbourg, PUS, 2021, p. 137-156.
. The Christian-Buddhist dialogue. The prophetic dimension of monastic interreligious dialogue, Dilatato Corde, Vol. XI-1 (January-June 2021). Online Journal
. Filmmaking and Theology: Towards a Didactic and Mystagogical perspective, in: Asproulis, Nikolas, and Stuart Devenish (ed.), Christian Responses to Spiritual Incursions into the 21st Century Church and Society, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020, pp. 127-144.
. Mantra Practice in Meditation According to John Main. Resurgence of an apologetic discourse between Christian origin and Hindu influence, Dilatato Corde Vol. X-2 (July-December, 2020). Online Journal
. Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, in: Bernice M. Kaczynski (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Christian Monasticism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhd/9780199689736.013.12
. Transcendence and self-transformation in Madame Guyon's doctrine of pure love, Religious Studies/Studies in Religion 49/4 (2020) (SAGE publishing). DOI:
. Migration, mutations and memory in Henri Le Saux: from India to the Desert Fathers, Theoforum 49 (2019), pp. 9-25.
. Relation as a hermeneutic key in the work of Raimon Panikkar, Dilatato Corde Vol. IV-2 (July-December, 2014). Online Journal
. Hospitality as a Condition for Dialogue. The Monastic Interreligious Experience, The Chinese University of Hong Kong University. 4 (2014), pp. 231-248.
. Can Christians Engage in Non-Christian Practices? Eastern Meditations and Contemplative Prayer, in: Paul Hedges (ed.), Controversies in Contemporary Religion (volume 3), Santa Barbara (CA)/Oxford (UK), Preager, 2014, pp. 277-304.
. In the School of Louis Massignon and Pierre-François de Béthune. The sacred hospitality of religions as a new place of spirituality, in: Christine Aulenbacher (ed.), Practical Theology - Pedagogy - Spirituality, Lit Verlag, Berlin, 2013, pp. 61-70.
. La dimension politique des religions : condition pour un dialogue pour la paix, in : Blée, F., Peelman, A. (ed), Le dialogue interreligieux. Interpellations théologiques contemporaines, Novalis/Bayard, Montreal, 2013, p. 43-66.
. L'Occident au défi des énergies spirituelles, La chair et le souffle (2011) 6/1:9-17.
. Le 'pur amour' selon Madame Guyon: origine et conséquences d'un malentendu, in Blée, F. (ed), La mystique démystifiée, Montreal, Novalis, (2010), pp. 63-92.
. Limits and role of interreligious dialogue in conflict resolution, in: Mbonimpa, M., Copeman, G. (ed), Freedom of Expression: Culture and Religion / Liberté d'expression: culture et religion, Sudbury, University of Sudbury, 2010, p. 69-79.
. Is the experience of meditation universal? Light and Life (July-September 2010) 287:21-32.
. For a secularism open to religions. L'enseignement du phénomène religieux : limites et promesses du programme d'éthique et culture religieuse, in : Cherblanc, J., Rondeau, D (éd), La formation à l'éthique et à la culture religieuse. Un modèle d'implantation de programme, Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2010, p. 195-218.
. The Christian West and Hindu India: a meeting not to be missed. Meeting between Robert Vachon and Henri Le Saux, Theoforum. (2008) 39:5-38.
. Meeting between Robert Vachon and Swami Abhishiktananda: Milestone for a rapprochement between India and Quebec, Synergies Inde (2008), 3:95-110.
. Christian Spirituality in Dialogue, Crucible of a New Ecological Consciousness, Flesh and Breath (2008) 3/1:76-89.
. Toward a Culture of Peace, in: Sharma, A. (ed), World's Religions After September 11, Volume 4, Wesport/Connecticut, Preager Publishers, (2009), 181-186.
. For an ecclesial community open to the world. L'Eglise au risque dialogue interreligieux, in : Dumais, M., Richard, J. (éd), Eglise et communauté (Héritage et projet, 73), Montreal, Fides, (2007), p. 263-283.
. What is the place of interreligious dialogue in evangelizing mission in the West? (2007) 14/1:85-109.
. Blée, F., Bergeron R., La prière chrétienne interreligieuse: de la praxis à la théologie, in : Bergeron, R., Bouchard, N., Breton, J.C. (éd), Prier Dieu dans un monde sans Dieu, Montreal, Médiaspaul, (2006), p. 31-62.
. Die Wüste der Alterität. Spirituelle Erfahrung im intermonastischen Dialog, in: Baier, K. (ed), Spiritualität. Zugänge, Traditionen, Dialog, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, p. 249-266.
. The wisdom of the desert and interreligious dialogue. Meeting of Jean Cassien and Henri Le Saux, Theoforum. (2005) 36/1:75-102.
. Podwôjna przynaleznosc religijna i dialog miedzymonastyczny, Anales Missiologici Posnaniensis (2004) 14: 7-28.
. Double appartenance religieuse et dialogue interreligieux monastique, Mission 10 (2003): 9-32.
. The milieu of Zen practice. For a spirituality of dialogue, Origins 3-4 (2002), p. 23-34.
. Le défi des grandes religions de l'Orient, La Revue franciscaine (July-August, 2001), p. 100-103.
. Which Christian-Buddhist way? Pour une articulation de la double appartenance religieuse, in: Dennis Gira & Jacques Scheuer, Vivre de plusieurs religions. Promesse ou illusion, Éditions de l'Atelier [Questions ouvertes] Paris, 2000, p. 151-160.
. Aux frontières du silence. Exploration du dialogue interreligieux monastique, Théologiques 7/2 (Aut. 1999), p.79-94.
. Dialogue et renouveau monastique, La Vie spirituelle (Le Cerf/Paris), 731 (June 1999), p. 257-270.
. For a dialogue between East and West. Death and Reincarnation in Lobsang Rampa and Sogyal Rinpoche, in: Bertrand Ouellet & Richard Bergeron, Croyances et sociétés. Fides [Héritage et Projet, 59] (1998), Montreal, p.433-459.
. Les enjeux du dialogue intrareligieux. Des repères pour une nouvelle spiritualité chrétienne à l'heure du pluralisme religieux, in : Camil Ménard & Florent Villeneuve, Spiritualité contemporaine. Cultural and theological challenges. Fides [Héritage et Projet, 56] (1996), Montreal, p. 253-269.
. "Message to the Association Les Chemins de Shanti on the occasion of its tenth anniversary, Les Chemins de Shanti, France, April 6-7, 2019.
. 'Dawn of the Abyss. The Spiritual Birth of Swamiji'. Eine Reflexion über Filmemachen und hermeutische Theologie, Martin Rötting and Christian Hackbarth-Johnson, Spiritualität der Zukunft. Suchbewegungen in einer multireligiösen Welt, Sankt Ottilien (Germany), Sankt Ottilien Publishing, 2018, pp. 107-118.
. The Dawn of the Deep. The spiritual birth of Swamiji, Star Prog, Strasbourg, 2018.
. Review of: Gérard Siegwalt, Le défi humain. L'incertitude de l'existence humaine et le combat spirituel, Paris, Cerf, 2017, 388p., Laval théologique et philosophique (October 2017) 73/3: 453-457.
. Rediscovering the path of asceticism, Priest and Pastor. (May 2012) 284-290.
. Exile and wandering in Henri Le Saux. A source of inspiration for monastic interreligious dialogue. Bulletin francophone du Dialogue interreligieux monastique 43 (January, 2011) 19 p. (online).
. Understanding the other by virtue of his or her relationship to the sacred, Liminary, Dilatato Corde. A review of the dialogue of religious experience (January 15, 2011)
. Fabrice Blée's account 'In the footsteps of Henri Le Saux (II)', International Bulletin of the Commissions for Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (2010) F.29-30 :11-14.
. Silence in Christian spirituality, Priest and Pastor. (September 2010) 456-462.
. Fabrice Blée's account 'In the footsteps of Henri Le Saux (I)', International Bulletin of the Commissions for Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (2009/2) F.28:11-14.
. The Christian spirituality of dialogue, crucible of a new ecological consciousness, Les Voies de l'Orient. (2009) 110:2-12.
. Shaping a New Ecological Consciousness. Insights from the Spirituality of Interreligious Dialogue, Bulletin of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (July 2008) 81 (
. The Spirit Blows Where It Will, Prions en Église. 42/9 (September 2008), p.173-174.
. Henri Le Saux, Prions en Église (August 3, 2008) 2/30:34.
. Review of: Hall, Douglas, Bound and Free. A Theologian's Journey. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2005. 156 p., in: Studies in Religions/Sciences religieuses (36/2) 2007.
. Breathing in prayer, Prayer. (2007) 33:6-8.
. Silence, at the heart of prayer, Prions en Église (October 7, 2007) 71/29:36-37.
. Interreligious dialogue at the service of unity in diversity, La Revue franciscaine. (November-December, 2007) 112/6:6-7.
. Fabrice Blée: Director of the Collection Spiritualités en dialogue, Grands Entretiens (April 2007).
. Interreligious dialogue at Saint Paul University. See (Gatineau-Ottawa) (November 10, 2005) 20.
. The milieu of Zen practice. For a spirituality of dialogue. Les Voies de l'Orient. (January, February, March, 2005) 94:2-15.
. A historic encounter. The Gethsemani meeting. Présence magazine (November, 1996), Montreal, p. 5.
. Pregnancy as a spiritual experience. Interview with Caroline Bottari. New Dialogue (Fall 1996), p. 5.
. Bodily suffering as a path to the infinite. Interview with Louis Pariseau. New Dialogue (Fall 1996), p. 18-19.
. The two faces of the New Age. Interview with Placide Gaboury. Interfaces (November-December, 1995), p. 12-13.
. Tolerance and religious pluralism. Interfaces (September - October, 1995), p. 6-7.
. Jesus, in a Buddhist perspective. New Dialogue (104/March-April, 1995), p. 27-28.
. Jesus of Nazareth in a Buddhist Perspective. Interfaces (March-April, 1995), pp. 6-7.
. The Quest for Silence. An interview with Marc de Smedt. Interfaces (January-February, 1995), pp. 3-4.
. From autonomy to freedom. Interview with Robert Vachon. New Dialogue (Fall 1995), p. 14-15.
. Outcomes of spiritual warfare. New Dialogue (Fall 1995), pp. 22-23.
. From meditation to transparency. Interview with Lucien Coutu. New Dialogue (Fall 1995), p.30-31.
. The spiritual quest and the new religions. Interview with Bertrand Ouellet. New Dialogue (Fall 1995), p.12. 21.
. In the Service of the Poorest. Interfaces (November-December, 1994), p. 15.
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. Francine Gauthier: from art to spiritual rebirth. Interfaces (May-August, 1994), p. 4.
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. Simeon between heaven and earth. Youth Echoes (vol. no. 2/June, 1993), p. 8.
. Interreligious dialogue at a time of cultural pluralism. Prestige magazine inter (vol.1 no1/ January-February, 1993), p. 30.
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. Interreligious Dialogue at Saint Paul University, Xpress (Ottawa) (November 10-16, 2005) 11.
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. The milieu of Zen practice. For a spirituality of dialogue. Un Zen Occidental website (Paris), May, 2004.
. For a dialogue between East and West. Death and Reincarnation in Lobsang Rampa and Sogyal Rinpoche. Les Voies de l'Orient (October, 1999) 73, p. 21-40.
. The dangers of a spirituality without a body. Les Voies de l'Orient (Brussels) 67 (April, 1998), p. 38-40.
. The dangers of a spirituality without a body. New Dialogue (Fall 1996), p. 26-27.
. The challenges of intra-religious dialogue. Landmarks for a new Christian spirituality in an age of religious pluralism. New Dialogue (#108/January-February, 1996), p. 17-23.
. The quest for silence. Interview with Marc de Smedt. New Dialogue (Fall 1995), pp. 9-10.
. Interreligious dialogue in an age of cultural pluralism. New Dialogue 105 (May-June 1995), p. 3-4.
. The Family: A Changing Reality. La Vie chrétienne (September-October, 1994), p. 8.
. John Main on the Practice of Meditation with a Mantra. Resurgence of an Apologetic Exchange regarding its Christian Origin and Hindu Influence, Dilatato Corde Vol. X-2 (July-December, 2020). Online Journal
. Exile und Wanderschaft. Spirituelle Praxis und Grundlage für den interreligiösen Dialog , in: Bettina Bäumer and Ulrich Winkler (eds.), Unterwegs zur Quelle des Seins. Die Relevanz des Lebens und Denkens von Henri Le Saux/Abhishiktananda für die hindu-christliche Begegnung, Salzburger Theologische Studen, interkulturell 17, 55 (2016), pp. 49-71.
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. Exile and Wandering: Spiritual Practice and Foundation for Interreligious Dialogue, in Skudlarek, W., Bäumer, B. (ed), Witness to the Fullness of Light. The Vision and Relevance of the Benedictine Monk Swami Abhishiktananda (New York: Lantern Books, 2011): 5-30.
. Shaping a New Ecological Consciousness. Insights from the Spirituality of Interreligious Dialogue, in Mitchell, D., Skudlarek, W. (eds), Green Monasticism. A Buddhist-Catholic Response to an Environmental Calamity (New York: Lantern Books, 2010): 167-179.
. Shaping a New Ecological Consciousness. Insights from the Spirituality of Interreligious Dialogue, Monastic Interreligious Dialogue website, Bulletin 81, July, 2008.
. The Place of Interreligious Dialogue in the Evangelizing Mission of the Church, Mission. (2007) 14/2: 229-253.
. O Dialogo entre religioes na hora do pluralismo cultural. A voz de portugal (February, 9 and 16, 1994).
. Authority and religion. Professional research thesis of Virginie Moncuy, Cadre et autorité : une relation complexe ? Faculty of Economic, Social and Management Sciences, University of Reims (September, 2010) 6-8.
. Baxer, Joseph, Living in the Intercultural. Robert Vachon: un itinéraire spirituel à la croisée des cultures et des religions, (Spiritualités en dialogue, 9) Médiaspaul, Montreal/Paris, (2007), p. 7-9.
. Low, Albert, Dans la forge du maître Hakuin. La pratique de l'éveil dans le zen, (Spiritualités en dialogue, 8) Mediaspaul, Montreal/Paris, (2007), p. 7-10.
. Simon-Vermot, Jean-Bernard, Echos infinis du silence. Vers une spiritualité chrétienne ouverte à l'Orient, (Spiritualités en dialogue, 7) Mediaspaul, Montreal/Paris, (2006), p. 7-11.
. Chrabieh, Pamela, A la rencontre de l'islam. Itinéraire d'une spiritualité composite et engagée, (Spiritualités en dialogue, 6) Mediaspaul, Montreal/Paris, (2006), p. 7-9.
. Dreuille, Mayeul (de), Chemins de paix. Pratiquer en chrétien la méditation bouddhique, (Spiritualités en dialogue, 5) Mediaspaul, Montreal/Paris, (2005), p. 5-7.
. Amaladoss, Michael, The Dancing Cosmos. Une voie vers l'harmonie, (Spiritualités en dialogue, 4) Mediaspaul, Montreal/Paris, (2005), p. 7-9.
. Peelman, Achiel, The Spirit is Amerindian. Quand la religion amérindienne rencontre le christianisme, (Spiritualités en dialogue, 3) Mediaspaul, Montreal/Paris, (2004), p. 5-10.
. Bergeron, Richard, Hors de l'Église, plein de salut. Pour une théologie dialogale et une spiritualité interreligieuse, (Spiritualités en dialogue, 2) Mediaspaul, Montreal/Paris, (2004), p. 7-10.
. Blée, F., Peelman, A., Le dialogue interreligieux : Enjeux et perspectives. N'éteignez pas l'Esprit, Novalis/Bayard, Montreal, 2012, 240p.
. La mystique démystifiée, Novalis/Bayard, Montreal, 2010. 200p.
The Third Desert. The Story of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Liturgical Press, Collegeville (MN), 2011, 227p.
. Il deserto dell'alterità. Un'esperienza spiritualuale del dialogo interreligioso, Cittadella, Assisi, 2006, 311p.
. The desert of otherness. A spiritual experience of interreligious dialogue, Médiaspaul, Montreal/Paris, 2004, 229p.
. Apports et critiques des studios de yoga (pratique des asanas), à la lumière du Shivaïsme du Cachemire, pour une spiritualité chrétienne incarnée, Religions (publication planned in 2022)
. Christian-Buddhist dialogue. Its contribution to monastic interreligious dialogue. In: Thomas Cattoi (ed.), Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies, London, Routledge (forthcoming 2022)
. The experience of God in the work of Raimon Panikkar. Epistemological elements for a contemporary approach to the divine, Dilatato Corde, Vol. XI-2 (July-December 2021). Online Journal
. The way of desire. Christian mysticism echoing the non-dual tantric system of Trika (Śivaism of Kashmir). In: Laurent Basanese and Paolo Trianni, Religioni in Asia. Uno Sguardo contestuale, Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations 13 (Pontificia Università Gregoriana Pontificio Istituto Biblico), 2021, pp. 29-58.
. Henri Le Saux and the psyche. Advaitic approach of the soul and contribution of India. In: C. Maillard / S. Goldblum, Mystique et psychisme - une approche interculturelle / Mystik und Psyche in interkultureller Perspektive, Recherches germaniques 16 (Hors-série), Strasbourg, PUS, 2021, p. 137-156.
. The Christian-Buddhist dialogue. The prophetic dimension of monastic interreligious dialogue, Dilatato Corde, Vol. XI-1 (January-June 2021). Online Journal
. Filmmaking and Theology: Towards a Didactic and Mystagogical perspective, in: Asproulis, Nikolas, and Stuart Devenish (ed.), Christian Responses to Spiritual Incursions into the 21st Century Church and Society, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020, pp. 127-144.
. Mantra Practice in Meditation According to John Main. Resurgence of an apologetic discourse between Christian origin and Hindu influence, Dilatato Corde Vol. X-2 (July-December, 2020). Online Journal
. Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, in: Bernice M. Kaczynski (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Christian Monasticism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhd/9780199689736.013.12
. Transcendence and self-transformation in Madame Guyon's doctrine of pure love, Religious Studies/Studies in Religion 49/4 (2020) (SAGE publishing). DOI:
. Migration, mutations and memory in Henri Le Saux: from India to the Desert Fathers, Theoforum 49 (2019), pp. 9-25.
. Relation as a hermeneutic key in the work of Raimon Panikkar, Dilatato Corde Vol. IV-2 (July-December, 2014). Online Journal
. Hospitality as a Condition for Dialogue. The Monastic Interreligious Experience, The Chinese University of Hong Kong University. 4 (2014), pp. 231-248.
. Can Christians Engage in Non-Christian Practices? Eastern Meditations and Contemplative Prayer, in: Paul Hedges (ed.), Controversies in Contemporary Religion (volume 3), Santa Barbara (CA)/Oxford (UK), Preager, 2014, pp. 277-304.
. In the School of Louis Massignon and Pierre-François de Béthune. The sacred hospitality of religions as a new place of spirituality, in: Christine Aulenbacher (ed.), Practical Theology - Pedagogy - Spirituality, Lit Verlag, Berlin, 2013, pp. 61-70.
. La dimension politique des religions : condition pour un dialogue pour la paix, in : Blée, F., Peelman, A. (ed), Le dialogue interreligieux. Interpellations théologiques contemporaines, Novalis/Bayard, Montreal, 2013, p. 43-66.
. L'Occident au défi des énergies spirituelles, La chair et le souffle (2011) 6/1:9-17.
. Le 'pur amour' selon Madame Guyon: origine et conséquences d'un malentendu, in Blée, F. (ed), La mystique démystifiée, Montreal, Novalis, (2010), pp. 63-92.
. Limits and role of interreligious dialogue in conflict resolution, in: Mbonimpa, M., Copeman, G. (ed), Freedom of Expression: Culture and Religion / Liberté d'expression: culture et religion, Sudbury, University of Sudbury, 2010, p. 69-79.
. Is the experience of meditation universal? Light and Life (July-September 2010) 287:21-32.
. For a secularism open to religions. L'enseignement du phénomène religieux : limites et promesses du programme d'éthique et culture religieuse, in : Cherblanc, J., Rondeau, D (éd), La formation à l'éthique et à la culture religieuse. Un modèle d'implantation de programme, Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2010, p. 195-218.
. The Christian West and Hindu India: a meeting not to be missed. Meeting between Robert Vachon and Henri Le Saux, Theoforum. (2008) 39:5-38.
. Meeting between Robert Vachon and Swami Abhishiktananda: Milestone for a rapprochement between India and Quebec, Synergies Inde (2008), 3:95-110.
. Christian Spirituality in Dialogue, Crucible of a New Ecological Consciousness, Flesh and Breath (2008) 3/1:76-89.
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. 2020 (4-8 mai) 'Etre spirituel sans être religieux' (SBNR). Critique théologique et anthropologique d'une nouvelle quête de sens, 88e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke. (conférence acceptée)
. 2020 (4-8 mai) La pratique du mantra dans la méditation selon John Main. Origine chrétienne et influence hindoue, 88e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke. (conférence acceptée)
. 2020 (18 mars) Theory and Practice of Christian Meditation, dans le cours donné par C. Collobert et A. Vallely, Meditation : theory and practice, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa.
. 2020 (6 mars) L'écriture comme voie ascétique et spirituelle, Séminaire de doctorat en théologie, Faculté de théologie, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2019 (7 décembre) Psychisme et non dualité (advaita). Apport de l'Inde dans la théologie contemplative d'Henri Le Saux, Discours mystiques et théories du psychisme : une approche interculturelle, projet EUROCAMPUS " Konjunkturen des Unbewussten/Conjonctures de l'inconscient ", 6-7 décembre 2019, Université de Strasbourg, France.
. 2019 (25 avril) Transcendance et transformation dans la doctrine du pur amour selon Madame Guyon, Transitions, Transformations, Transcendance : Pratiques contemplatives pour le 21e siècle, Institut de recherche sur le cerveau et l'esprit de l'Université d'Ottawa. Académie de la pleine conscience et des études contemplatives, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa.
. 2019 (27 mars) L'aube de l'abîme. Découvrir la spiritualité contemplative à la lumière du parcours d'Henri Le Saux, Webinaires en théologie, Faculté de théologie, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2019 (22 mars) Les maladies spirituelles selon Évagre le Pontique. Pour un renouveau spirituel et théologique, Séminaire de doctorat en théologie, Faculté de théologie, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2019 (28 janvier) Le silence dans la spiritualité chrétienne, cours de Judith Malette, Practicum clinique interne en counselling individuel et psychothérapie (IPA6539), Counselling et spiritualité, Faculté des sciences humaines, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2018 (6-8 décembre) Migration et mutations chez Henri Le Saux : de l'Inde aux Pères du désert, Colloque international, Migrations, mutations, mémoires : passages en imaginaire (en hommage au Professeur K. Madavane), Département d'études françaises, Malaviya Molya Anushilan Kendra, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Inde.
. 2018 (20-22 septembre) Réalisation de films et théologie : Vers une perspective didactique et mystagogique, Colloque international Théologie, Spiritualité, Edudation. Une conférence de recherche par la discipline de la spiritualité chrétienne, Université d'Afrique du Sud, Pretoria, Afrique du Sud.
. 2018 (5 juin) L'Aurore du tréfonds. La naissance spirituelle de Swamij, Institut Catholique de Paris, 21 rue d'Assas, Paris (France)
. 2017 (17 novembre) Réalisation de films et théologie. Reframing Spiritual Questions Based on a Visual Insight of Henri Le Saux's Life and Message et projection de Dawn of the Abyss, panel sur mon film Dawn of the Abyss. La naissance spirituelle de Swamiji, American Academy of Religion, Sheraton, Boston, USA.
. 2017 (29 mai) L'Aurore du tréfonds. La naissance spirituelle de Swamiji, Cultures et religions en dialogue, UFR lettres et sciences humaines faculté Victor Segalen, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.
. 2017 (31 mars) Enjeux et défis d'une théologie contemplative : à la jonction d'une théologie spirituelle et d'une théologie du dialogue interreligieux, Séminaire de doctorat, Faculté de Théologie, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2017 (1er février) Contemplation et christianisme, cours de Anne Vallely et André Vellino, Mindfulness, Contemplation & the Search for Meaning, Département d'études anciennes et de sciences religieuses, Université d'Ottawa.
. 2016 (12 décembre) Henri Le Saux : Dialogue intrareligieux et mission, Groupe de lecture de théologie comparée, Faculté de théologie, Université catholique australienne, Melbourne, Australie.
. 2016 (11 décembre) L'aube de l'abîme. La naissance spirituelle de Swamiji, Colloque Aspects tantriques des spiritualités du monde, Mela Interfaith Group et Monash University, Melbourne, Australie, 10-11 décembre 2016.
. 2016 (10 décembre) La voie du désir. Christian Spirituality Echoing Trika Tantra (Kashmir Śivaïsm) (conférence inaugurale), Colloque Tantric Aspects of the World's Spiritualities, Mela Interfaith Group et Monash University, Melbourne, Australie, 10-11 décembre 2016.
. 2016 (9 novembre) Mysticisme bouddhiste zen et expérience humaine transcendante, cours de Kelly Kilrea, IPA 4124 : Special Topics in Human Relations and Spirituality II : Transcendent Human Experience / IPA 5162A : Counselling and Spirituality : Sujets choisis : Transcendent Human Experience, School of Counseling, Psychotherapy and Spirituality, Faculty of Human Sciences, Saint Paul University.
. 2015 (26 janvier) Théologie contemplative et mentorat spirituel, cours de Judith Malette, Practicum du counselling individuel, Counselling et spiritualité, Faculté des Sciences Humaines, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2015 (22 janvier) Théologie contemplative et mentorat spirituel, cours de théologie pratique, Jean-Guy Nadeau, École de counseling, psychothérapie et spiritualité, Faculté des Sciences Humaines, Université Saint-Paul.
. 2014 (31 mai) La relation comme clef herméneutique dans l'œuvre de Raimon Panikkar (conférence inaugurale), Le dialogue interreligieux. Chemin de transformation intérieure, Les Voies de l'Orient, Bruxelles, 29 mai-1er juin.
. 2014 (20-21 mars) Dilatato Corde et le dialogue interreligieux monastique, Engaging Particularities XII, New Directions in Comparative Theology, Interreligious Dialogue, Theology of Religions and Missiology, Boston College, USA.
. 2013 (November 9) Henri Le Saux and the Experience of the Spirit. Interpellations pneumatologiques contemporaines, 50th Congress of the Canadian Theological Society, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2012 (March 14-15) Spiritualities and Theology. Questions, issues, challenges, Interdisciplinary Colloquium of Practical Theology, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Palais Universitaire, Strasbourg.
. 2011 (June 10) Grace and Method in Henri Le Saux and John Main: A Comparative Study on Christian Prayer, Annual Conference of the Canadian Community for Christian Meditation, Saint Paul University, June 10-12.
. 2011 (June 10) Grace and Method in Henri Le Saux and John Main: A Comparative Study on Christian Prayer, Annual Conference of the Canadian Community for Christian Meditation, Saint Paul University, June 10-12.
. 2010 (December 14-17) Arunâchala as the Place of Swami Abhishiktananda's Spiritual Birth. Theological Challenges and Mystical Perspectives, International symposium on Henri Le Saux, Saccidananda Ashram and Ananda Ashram, Kulittalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
. 2010 (November 16-18) Challenges and Limits of Welcoming Religious Otherness in Conflict Resolution, 47th Congress of the Canadian Theological Society: Interreligious Dialogue. Issues and Perspectives, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2010 (May 11) L'hospitalité sacrée des religions comme nouveau lieu de spiritualité chrétienne, Symposium on Les lieux de la spiritualité aujourd'hui, ACFAS, University of Montreal (May 10-11).
. 2010 (May 10) Introduction to Hinduism, Symposium on Interreligious Dialogue and Conflict Resolution, Saint Paul University (May 10-11).
. 2010 (February 26) Challenges and Promises of the Writing Process, Doctoral Seminar, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2010 (January 20) Life and Message of Henri Le Saux (Swami Abhishiktananda). Historical, theological and sociological elements, course of Pr. Vijaya Rao, L'Inde dans la littérature française et francophone, Centre for French and Francophone Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
. 2010 (January 11) Exile and Wandering as Spiritual Practice in Abhishiktananda, Swami Abhishiktananda: Monk, Mystic, Bridge Builder. His Relevance Today, A Centenary Symposium (1910-2010), Saccidananda Ashram (Shantivanam), Kullitalai, Tamil Nadu, India (January 10-15)
. 2008 (September 6) Le Pur amour de Madame Guyon : une mystique pour aujourd'hui ?, International symposium of theology and spirituality on the theme : Aimer sans limites ?, Journal Chair et Souffle and University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke.
. 2008 (April 10) Pour une laïcité ouverte aux religions. L'enseignement du phénomène religieux : limites et promesses (Table-Ronde), Les Universitaires et la formation en éthique et culture religieuse, UQAR/Campus of Lévis, Quebec.
. 1996 (May 16) Is Christianity Redefining Itself in Relation to Eastern Religions, French Canadian Agency for the Advancement of Science, McGill University, Montreal.
. 1996 (March 19) Pour comprendre le bouddhisme, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal.
. 1995 (October 28) Les enjeux du dialogue intrareligieux. Some Guidelines for a New Spirituality in an Age of Religious Pluralism, Canadian Theological Society, Laval University, Quebec.
. 1992 (December) Death in Tibetan Buddhism, Faculty of Protestant Theology, Strasbourg, France.
. 2021 (January 17) The Experience of God according to Raimon Panikkar, Les Chemins de Shanti (video conferencing), France.
. 2020 (September 19) Thoughts and Diseases of the Soul among the Desert Fathers, Les Chemins de Shanti (video conferencing), France.
. 2020 (June 19-21) Das Feuer der Weisheit. Verbindung von christlicher Mystik und östlicher Weisheit, Lassalle Haus, Edlibach, Switzerland (accepted lecture)
. 2020 (June 4) Pour comprendre et vivre le Nuage d'Inconnaissance, Association Spirales and Association Viniyoga, MVA, Reims, France. (accepted lecture)
. 2019 (November 30) Elements for Spiritual Care, Seminar on The Cloud of Unknowing, Solars center, Ottawa.
. 2019 (November 9) To Whom is the Divine Work Addressed, Seminar on The Cloud of Unknowing, Solars center, Ottawa.
. 2019 (October 12) Anthropological Elements at the Foundation of the Divine Work, Seminar on The Cloud of Unknowing, Solars center, Ottawa.
. 2019 (September 14) Characteristics of the divine work, Seminar on The Cloud of Unknowing, Solars center, Ottawa.
. 2019 (June 14) The Fathers and Mothers of the Desert, The Paths of Shanti, Centre saint Hugues, Biviers (Grenoble), France.
. 2019 (March 30) The Holy Spirit and Christian Contemplative Prayer, Holy Spirit Retreat Day, Parcours Alpha, Paroisse St-Joseph d'Orléans, Ottawa.
. 2019 (March 16) The Process of Death and Rebirth, Seminar on The Christian Way and the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2019 (February 16) Tantrism or sexuality for enlightenment: fantasy or proven practice, Seminar on The Christian Way in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2019 (January 19) Kundalini and Chakra Awakening: A Universal Necessity, Seminar on The Christian Way and the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (December 1st) The Person and the Universe: Illusion or Reality, Seminar on The Christian Way in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (November 17) The Steps on the Path to Awakening: What Place for Grace, Seminar on The Christian Way in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (November 17) Steps on the Path to Awakening: What Place for Grace, Seminar on The Christian Path in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (October 20) The practice of meditation: for what results?, Seminar on The Christian Way in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (November 23) Silence in the Christian contemplative tradition, Pedagogical day, École secondaire catholique Béatrice-Desloges, Orleans, Canada.
. 2018 (June 1-3) The Spirituality of the Desert. The Teaching of Evagrius the Pontic, L'Arche Saint-Antoine, Saint Antoine l'Abbaye, France.
. 2018 (May 12) Hospitality and interfaith dialogue, Seminar on The Spirituality of the Desert, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (April 14) The Body and Sexuality in Spiritual Warfare, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (March 17) Silence and Solitude: Anguish as an Opening to the Divine, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (February 10) The invisible world: the role of angels and demons on the contemplative path according to the Desert Fathers, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (January 20) Foundations for Spiritual Care, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (December 9) The Contemplative Way and its Stages according to Evagrius the Pontic and John Cassian, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (November 11) Spiritual illnesses in the teaching of the Desert Fathers: symptoms and remedies, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (October 21) The desert as a place of healing: its experience and symbolism, Seminar on The Spirituality of the Desert, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (June 16-18) The contemplative path according to Henri le Saux, Les Chemins de Shanti, Valpré, Lyon, France.
. 2017 (June 1st) The Christian Contemplative Way, Centre de la Méditation Chrétienne and Convergence86, Poitiers, France.
. 2017 (April 15) Challenges of a dialogue with other religions, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (March 18) The Biblical Foundations of Christian Mysticism, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (March 9) Spirituality, religion, contemplation, mysticism. How to find your way through it and especially how to live it, 101 Parent, Ottawa.
. 2017 (January 21) Challenges of Spiritual Care, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (December 3) The Path to Wholeness, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (October 15) History and Current Relevance of Christian Mysticism, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (December 3) The Path to Wholeness, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (October 15) History and Current Relevance of Christian Mysticism, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (September 17) The Life and Message of Henri Le Saux: Background and Definition of Key Terms, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (April 30) The Teaching of John Main: Roots and Resonance, 25th Anniversary of Christian Meditation of Quebec and French-speaking Regions of Canada, Maison Accueil-Sagesse, Ottawa.
. 2016 (April 3) Is it possible to be spiritual without being religious? Issues and Perspectives, Les Conférences Vivre notre foi aujourd'hui 2015-2016, Sainte-Marie d'Orléans Parish, Ottawa.
. 2015 (September 18-20) The body as a place of spirituality at the heart of the dialogue between Christianity and Buddhism, Seminar on The body in search of transcendence. The application of mindfulness in psychotherapy, Canadian Association of Psychospiritual Interventionists (CAPI), Manoir d'Youville, Quebec.
. 2015 (April 25) God's Work in the 'Cloud of Unknowing', Healing Day: Heart to Heart with the Lord, Église du Très-Saint-Rosaire, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2015 (April 25) Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentoring, Resourcing Day: Heart to Heart with the Lord, Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2015 (April 16) L'Occident à la rencontre de l'Orient : une chance pour le christianisme, Les Conférences St-Alex, Église St-Alexandre, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2015 (February 26) Contemplative theology and spiritual mentoring, Archdiocese of Ottawa, Pastoral Day.
. 2014 (November 22) Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentoring, Consent Prayer Group, Welcome Prayer Resourcing Day, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Church, 5 Saint-Arthur Street, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2014 (November 1st) Contemplative theology and spiritual mentoring, Saturday Meditation Group, Champboisé.
. 2014 (October 21) Contemplative theology and spiritual mentoring, Christian Meditation Group, St. Mary's Church, Orleans.
. 2014 (September 15) Contemplative theology and spiritual mentoring, Consent Prayer Group, St. Alexander Parish, Gatineau.
. 2014 (April 28) Presentation: Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentoring, Spiritual Companions of the Diocese of Gatineau.
. 2013 (April 13) Silence in Christian Prayer, Consent Prayer Enrichment Day, Diocesan Center, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2012 (October 17) Interfaith Dialogue as a Christian Way, St. Alexander Church, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2012 (April 23) Challenges and issues of monastic interreligious dialogue, Abbaye de Pradines (Loire), France.
. 2011 (November 28) Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Retreat in Action, Patro d'Ottawa.
. 2011 (November 18) Presentation on behalf of Saint Paul University of Anselm Grün's lecture, Happiness, Wisdom and Modernity, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau/Ottawa.
. 2011 (October 14) Academic and Research Networks, Doctoral Seminar, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2011 (September 26) What is Spirituality, Centre de spiritualité St-Charles, Seminary of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke.
. 2011 (June 24-25) Saving the spiritual experience of monastic interreligious dialogue. From Encounter to Communion between Otherness and Non-Duality, Two-day Seminar given at the DIM of Belgium, Abbey of Orval, Villers-devant-Orval, Belgium.
. 2011 (June 23) The Contribution of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Benedictine Abbey of Peace Notre-Dame, Liege, Belgium.
. 2011 (June 10) Grace and Method in Henri Le Saux and John Main: A Comparative Study on Christian Prayer, Annual Conference of the Canadian Community for Christian Meditation, Saint Paul University (June 10-12)
. 2011 (June 3) Milestones for a Christian-Buddhist Dialogue, Commission for Christian Unity, Religious Relations with the Jews, and Interfaith Dialogue, Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops, Ottawa.
. 2011 (March 2) Debate on Xavier Beauvois' film Des hommes et des dieux (with Malini Guha of Carleton University and Paul Wells of MacLean's newspaper), Bytowne Cinema (organized by the French Embassy), Ottawa.
. 2010 (October 16-21) Exile et rencontre, colloquium on Henri Le Saux, DIM francophone, Abbaye Saint Guénolé de Landévennec, Brittany, France.
. 2010 (January 8) Swami Abhishiktananda. Interreligious Dialogue as a Spiritual Experience, Quo Vadis (Inter Faith Dialogue Center - Arcot Lutheran Church and Danmission), Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
. 2009 (November 12) L'être humain, carrefour d'énergies (opening lecture), 5th Assises pastorales, Voies de l'Orient, Maison de Notre-Dame du chant d'oiseau, Brussels. (November 12-15)
. 2009 (April 2) Silence in Christian Spirituality, Retreat in Action, Patro d'Ottawa.
. 2008 (November 11) Why Become a Theologian Today, Student Association, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2008 (September 17) The Inter-religious Dialogue, The Bishop's Clergy Conference, Quebec.
. 2008 (July 4) Le dialogue interreligieux, une autre approche de Dieu, Diocèse de Bordeaux, secteur paroissial du Cap Ferret, France.
. 2008 (July 5-6) Le dialogue interreligieux comme chemin de croissance spirituelle, Diocèse de Bordeaux, secteur paroissial du Cap Ferret, France.
. 2008 (January 16) Training of school workers in Competence II (religious phenomena) within the framework of the new program Ethics and Religious Culture (continued), Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2007 (December 4) Training of school workers in Competence II (religious phenomena) within the framework of the new program Ethics and Religious Culture, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2007 (June 30) Challenges and promises of a Christian spirituality of interreligious dialogue, Cap-Ferret Parish, Bassin d'Arcachon, France.
. 2007 (June 4-5) Dialogue and Leadership, Evangelization and Leadership, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2007 (May 28) Dialogue and Identity, Formation of Future Priests, Ursulines, Loretteville, Quebec.
. 2007 (May 25-26) Christian Mission and Interfaith Dialogue, Reaching North America, Conference for the Coordinators of Mission and Evangelization in North America, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2007 (May 23) Presentation of the Spiritualities in Dialogue series (Médiaspaul) at the launch of the books by J. Baxer and A. Low, Saint Joseph's Oratory, Ottawa. Low, Saint Joseph's Oratory, Montreal.
. 2007 (April 22) The Faces of God: What do Christ and Mohammed have to say about it, AETC Lectures, Saint Thomas Aquinas Church, Ottawa.
. 2007 (April 14) Christians and Muslims called to be instruments for healing and Peace, Adult Faith Development, Archdiocese of Ottawa. Diocesan Centre, Ottawa.
. 2007 (March 3) Who are we in Relationship with the Other Great Religions of the World? Diocesan Centre, Ottawa.
. 2007 (February 18) Islam and the West: A Possible Dialogue, Archdiocese of Ottawa Diaconal Family, Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Cyrville, Gloucester, Ottawa.
. 2006 (October 18) Le dialogue entre religions : une autre approche de Dieu, Collège Laflèche, Trois-Rivière, Quebec.
. 2006 (October 17) Le dialogue entre religions : une autre approche de Dieu, Centre St-Charles, Seminary of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke.
. 2006 (June 15) Etre chrétien en dialogue, état et perspective d'une nouvelle vocation, Centre Diocésain de Châlons-en-Champagne, France.
. 2005 (November 24) On the path of interreligious dialogue. Meditation, communion to the essential, Christian Meditation of Quebec, Institute of Pastoral Care, Dominican College, Montreal.
. 2005 (June 24) From September 11 to John Paul II. What you need to know about the dialogue between religions, Commission culturelle de Oiry, Oiry (Champagne), France.
. 2005 (June 3) Christian spirituality and interreligious dialogue, CLR Siloë, Montigny le Bretonneux, Paris.
. 2005 (May 9) Interreligious Dialogue and Christian Spirituality, Secular Franciscans, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Ottawa.
. 2005 (April 9) Les nouveaux défis de l'Église d'aujourd'hui (Round table), Salon du livre de Québec, Quebec.
. 2005 (March 13) Le dialogue interreligieux et la philosophie, La Compagnie des Philosophes, Montreal.
. 2005 (February 12) Interreligious dialogue and understanding Islam, Centre diocésain Archidiocèse d'Ottawa, Ottawa.
. 2004 (December 16) Faut-il avoir peur de l'islam ? Pour un dialogue interreligieux, Centre culturel et sportif, Saint-Thierry, Reims, France.
. 2004 (April 30) La réincarnation : mythe ou réalité, Les Merlettes, Oiry, France.
. 2004 (February 28) The monastic interreligious dialogue, Workshop on Formation for Interreligious Harmony, Diocesan Community Center, New Delhi, India.
. 2002 (December 5) The World Religions and Interreligious Dialogue, St. Alphonsus Parish, Woodstock MD, USA.
. 2001 (December 18) Initiation to Zen meditation, Club de gym, Oiry (Champagne) France.
. 2001 (December 17) Spirituality and Religions in the 21st Century: Challenges and Perspectives, Association d'histoire Les Merlettes, Oiry (Champagne), France.
. 2000 (December 1st) Les défis du pluralisme religion à l'école, Commission scolaire de Laval, Quebec.
. 2000 (March 27) Les enjeux du dialogue interreligieux, Archbishopric of Montreal, Office de l'Éducation, Montreal.
. 1999 (November 22) Le Centre d'information sur les nouvelles religions de Montréal, Le Forum, Paris.
. 1999 (July) Presentation of my doctoral thesis on Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Contact Persons Workshop, Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Saint Benedict Center, Schuyler, Nebraska, USA.
. 1998 (April 15) Coordinates of Intrareligious Dialogue. The Case of Monks in Dialogue, Centre d'Information sur les Nouvelles Religions (C.I.N.R.), Montreal.
. 1997 (Spring) Challenges and Issues in the Dialogue of Religious Experience, Poorna Jnana Yoga Center, Montreal.
. 1996 (March 6) Beliefs and Worldviews, Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), Montreal.
. 1996 (February 17) Beliefs and Worldviews, Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), Montreal.
. 1995 (October 30) Beliefs and Worldviews, Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), Montreal.
. 1995 (September 25) Beliefs and Worldviews, Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), Montreal.
. 1995 (May 10) Introduction to Buddhism, École Marie-Anne, Montreal.
. 1995 (May 4) Introduction to New Religions, College of Granby, Granby, Quebec.
. 1995 (March 23) Introduction to new religions, Solidarité Jeunesse, Ottawa.
. 1995 (March 10) Introduction aux nouvelles religions, Animateurs pastoraux des prisons du Québec, Montreal.
. 1994 (December 7) Introduction to Buddhism, École Marie-Anne, Montreal.
. 1994 (April 27) Introduction to Buddhism, École Marie-Anne, Montreal.
. 1993 (November 3) Death and Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism, New Religions Information Center, Montreal.
. 1993 (November 2) Death and Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism, Mariannhill Missionary Center, Rock Forest, Quebec.
. 1992 (June) Death in Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhist Temple, Montreal.
. 2019 (December 6) 'Psyche and non-duality (advaita). A contribution from India in the contemplative theology of Henri Le Saux', Mystical Discourses and Theories of the Psyche: a cross-cultural approach, EUROCAMPUS project 'Konjunkturen des Unbewussten/Conjonctures de l'inconscient', December 6-7, University of Strasbourg, France.
. 2019 (October 31) Course THO2410 Introduction to World Religions, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2019 (June 20) Cinema Ti Hanok, Association SEVA, Auray (Bretagne), France.
. 2019 (April 3) Course THO3168 Ways of Christian Life and Prayer: Spirituality, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2019 (February 10) Course THO5514 Steps to Wholeness: Methods and Issues, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2018 (December 6-8) International Symposium, Migrations, mutations, memories: passages in imagination (tribute to Professor K. Madavane), Department of French Studies, Malaviya Molya Anushilan Kendra, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
. 2018 (September 20-22) International Symposium Theology, Spirituality, Edudation. A research conference by the discipline of Christian Spirituality, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
. 2018 (June 15) Cinéma Star St-Exupéry, 18 rue du 22 novembre, Strasbourg, France.
. 2018 (June 10) Brorson's Kierke (Sören Kierkegaard's 17th century church), Danmission (Danish Missionary Society), Copenhagen, Denmark.
. 2018 (June 5) Institut Catholique de Paris, 21 rue d'Assas, Paris, France.
. 2018 (April 20) Saint Paul University Student Association, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2018 (April 19) Conférences St-Alex, Paroisse St-Alexandre, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2017 (October 9) Librairie Paulines, Montreal, Canada.
. 2017 (October 1) KSF Niepokalana 2017, 32nd International Catholic Film and Multimedia Festival, John Paul II Collection Museum, Porczynski Foundation, Bankowy Square 1, Varsaw, Poland.
. 2017 (September 25) St. Charles Spirituality Center, Seminary of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, France.
. 2017 (June 27) Association Spirales, Maison de la Vie Associative, 122 Bis rue du Barbâtre, Reims, France.
. 2017 (June 22) Sens & reliance, Salle Jean-Baptiste Souzy, 33 rue Alfred Kastler, La Rochelle, France.
. 2017 (June 19) Abbaye de Pradines, Pradines, France.
. 2017 (June 16-18) Les Chemins de Shanti, Valpré, Lyon, France.
. 2017 (June 15) Cinéma Ciné Toile, Digne-Les-Bains, France.
. 2017 (June 12) Les Chemins de Shanti, Lycée Professionnel St Vincent de Paul, Nîmes, France.
. 2017 (June 7) Paroisse Saint Vincent de la côte des blancs, Salle des ventes, Avize, Champagne, France.
. 2017 (May 31) Convergence86, Lycée saint Jacques de Compostelle, Poitiers, France.
. 2017 (May 30) Bookstore Quand les livres s'ouvrent, Auditorium du Cercle Saint Louis, Place Anatole le Braz, Lorient, France.
. 2017 (29 mai) Cultures et religions en dialogue, UFR lettres et sciences humaines faculté Victor Segalen, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.
. 2017 (11 mai) Première canadienne en anglais, Mayfair Theater à Ottawa, suivie d'une interview de Ginette Gratton de Rogers TV au Black Squirrel Books.
. 2017 (27 avril) Première canadienne en français, au théâtre Mayfair à Ottawa, suivie d'une entrevue de Ginette Gratton de Rogers TV au Black Squirrel Books.
. 2017 (24 février) Première américaine, St Mark's Episcopal Church & Meditation on Marco Island, Parish Hall, St Mark's, Marco Island, Floride.
. 2016 (17 décembre) Première française, Forum 104, Espace de rencontre culturel et interspirituel, Paris.
. 2016 (12 décembre) Groupe de lecture de théologie comparée, Faculté de théologie, Université catholique australienne, Melbourne, Australie.
. 2016 (11 décembre) Symposium sur les aspects tantriques des spiritualités du monde, Mela Interfaith Group et Monash University, Melbourne, Australie. (10-11 décembre 2016)
. 2016 (8 décembre) Première australienne, Interfaith Ashram, Warburton, Australie.
. 2016 (21-23 octobre) Festival international du film religieux, Neuchâtel, Suisse.
. 2020 (4-8 mai) 'Etre spirituel sans être religieux' (SBNR). Critique théologique et anthropologique d'une nouvelle quête de sens, 88e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke. (conférence acceptée)
. 2020 (4-8 mai) La pratique du mantra dans la méditation selon John Main. Origine chrétienne et influence hindoue, 88e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke. (conférence acceptée)
. 2020 (18 mars) Theory and Practice of Christian Meditation, dans le cours donné par C. Collobert et A. Vallely, Meditation : theory and practice, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa.
. 2020 (6 mars) L'écriture comme voie ascétique et spirituelle, Séminaire de doctorat en théologie, Faculté de théologie, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2019 (7 décembre) Psychisme et non dualité (advaita). Apport de l'Inde dans la théologie contemplative d'Henri Le Saux, Discours mystiques et théories du psychisme : une approche interculturelle, projet EUROCAMPUS " Konjunkturen des Unbewussten/Conjonctures de l'inconscient ", 6-7 décembre 2019, Université de Strasbourg, France.
. 2019 (25 avril) Transcendance et transformation dans la doctrine du pur amour selon Madame Guyon, Transitions, Transformations, Transcendance : Pratiques contemplatives pour le 21e siècle, Institut de recherche sur le cerveau et l'esprit de l'Université d'Ottawa. Académie de la pleine conscience et des études contemplatives, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa.
. 2019 (27 mars) L'aube de l'abîme. Découvrir la spiritualité contemplative à la lumière du parcours d'Henri Le Saux, Webinaires en théologie, Faculté de théologie, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2019 (22 mars) Les maladies spirituelles selon Évagre le Pontique. Pour un renouveau spirituel et théologique, Séminaire de doctorat en théologie, Faculté de théologie, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2019 (28 janvier) Le silence dans la spiritualité chrétienne, cours de Judith Malette, Practicum clinique interne en counselling individuel et psychothérapie (IPA6539), Counselling et spiritualité, Faculté des sciences humaines, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2018 (6-8 décembre) Migration et mutations chez Henri Le Saux : de l'Inde aux Pères du désert, Colloque international, Migrations, mutations, mémoires : passages en imaginaire (en hommage au Professeur K. Madavane), Département d'études françaises, Malaviya Molya Anushilan Kendra, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Inde.
. 2018 (20-22 septembre) Réalisation de films et théologie : Vers une perspective didactique et mystagogique, Colloque international Théologie, Spiritualité, Edudation. Une conférence de recherche par la discipline de la spiritualité chrétienne, Université d'Afrique du Sud, Pretoria, Afrique du Sud.
. 2018 (5 juin) L'Aurore du tréfonds. La naissance spirituelle de Swamij, Institut Catholique de Paris, 21 rue d'Assas, Paris (France)
. 2017 (17 novembre) Réalisation de films et théologie. Reframing Spiritual Questions Based on a Visual Insight of Henri Le Saux's Life and Message et projection de Dawn of the Abyss, panel sur mon film Dawn of the Abyss. La naissance spirituelle de Swamiji, American Academy of Religion, Sheraton, Boston, USA.
. 2017 (29 mai) L'Aurore du tréfonds. La naissance spirituelle de Swamiji, Cultures et religions en dialogue, UFR lettres et sciences humaines faculté Victor Segalen, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.
. 2017 (31 mars) Enjeux et défis d'une théologie contemplative : à la jonction d'une théologie spirituelle et d'une théologie du dialogue interreligieux, Séminaire de doctorat, Faculté de Théologie, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2017 (1er février) Contemplation et christianisme, cours de Anne Vallely et André Vellino, Mindfulness, Contemplation & the Search for Meaning, Département d'études anciennes et de sciences religieuses, Université d'Ottawa.
. 2016 (12 décembre) Henri Le Saux : Dialogue intrareligieux et mission, Groupe de lecture de théologie comparée, Faculté de théologie, Université catholique australienne, Melbourne, Australie.
. 2016 (11 décembre) L'aube de l'abîme. La naissance spirituelle de Swamiji, Colloque Aspects tantriques des spiritualités du monde, Mela Interfaith Group et Monash University, Melbourne, Australie, 10-11 décembre 2016.
. 2016 (10 décembre) La voie du désir. Christian Spirituality Echoing Trika Tantra (Kashmir Śivaïsm) (conférence inaugurale), Colloque Tantric Aspects of the World's Spiritualities, Mela Interfaith Group et Monash University, Melbourne, Australie, 10-11 décembre 2016.
. 2016 (9 novembre) Mysticisme bouddhiste zen et expérience humaine transcendante, cours de Kelly Kilrea, IPA 4124 : Special Topics in Human Relations and Spirituality II : Transcendent Human Experience / IPA 5162A : Counselling and Spirituality : Sujets choisis : Transcendent Human Experience, School of Counseling, Psychotherapy and Spirituality, Faculty of Human Sciences, Saint Paul University.
. 2015 (26 janvier) Théologie contemplative et mentorat spirituel, cours de Judith Malette, Practicum du counselling individuel, Counselling et spiritualité, Faculté des Sciences Humaines, Université Saint-Paul, Ottawa.
. 2015 (22 janvier) Théologie contemplative et mentorat spirituel, cours de théologie pratique, Jean-Guy Nadeau, École de counseling, psychothérapie et spiritualité, Faculté des Sciences Humaines, Université Saint-Paul.
. 2014 (31 mai) La relation comme clef herméneutique dans l'œuvre de Raimon Panikkar (conférence inaugurale), Le dialogue interreligieux. Chemin de transformation intérieure, Les Voies de l'Orient, Bruxelles, 29 mai-1er juin.
. 2014 (20-21 mars) Dilatato Corde et le dialogue interreligieux monastique, Engaging Particularities XII, New Directions in Comparative Theology, Interreligious Dialogue, Theology of Religions and Missiology, Boston College, USA.
. 2013 (November 9) Henri Le Saux and the Experience of the Spirit. Interpellations pneumatologiques contemporaines, 50th Congress of the Canadian Theological Society, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2012 (March 14-15) Spiritualities and Theology. Questions, issues, challenges, Interdisciplinary Colloquium of Practical Theology, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Palais Universitaire, Strasbourg.
. 2011 (June 10) Grace and Method in Henri Le Saux and John Main: A Comparative Study on Christian Prayer, Annual Conference of the Canadian Community for Christian Meditation, Saint Paul University, June 10-12.
. 2011 (June 10) Grace and Method in Henri Le Saux and John Main: A Comparative Study on Christian Prayer, Annual Conference of the Canadian Community for Christian Meditation, Saint Paul University, June 10-12.
. 2010 (December 14-17) Arunâchala as the Place of Swami Abhishiktananda's Spiritual Birth. Theological Challenges and Mystical Perspectives, International symposium on Henri Le Saux, Saccidananda Ashram and Ananda Ashram, Kulittalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
. 2010 (November 16-18) Challenges and Limits of Welcoming Religious Otherness in Conflict Resolution, 47th Congress of the Canadian Theological Society: Interreligious Dialogue. Issues and Perspectives, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2010 (May 11) L'hospitalité sacrée des religions comme nouveau lieu de spiritualité chrétienne, Symposium on Les lieux de la spiritualité aujourd'hui, ACFAS, University of Montreal (May 10-11).
. 2010 (May 10) Introduction to Hinduism, Symposium on Interreligious Dialogue and Conflict Resolution, Saint Paul University (May 10-11).
. 2010 (February 26) Challenges and Promises of the Writing Process, Doctoral Seminar, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2010 (January 20) Life and Message of Henri Le Saux (Swami Abhishiktananda). Historical, theological and sociological elements, course of Pr. Vijaya Rao, L'Inde dans la littérature française et francophone, Centre for French and Francophone Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
. 2010 (January 11) Exile and Wandering as Spiritual Practice in Abhishiktananda, Swami Abhishiktananda: Monk, Mystic, Bridge Builder. His Relevance Today, A Centenary Symposium (1910-2010), Saccidananda Ashram (Shantivanam), Kullitalai, Tamil Nadu, India (January 10-15)
. 2008 (September 6) Le Pur amour de Madame Guyon : une mystique pour aujourd'hui ?, International symposium of theology and spirituality on the theme : Aimer sans limites ?, Journal Chair et Souffle and University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke.
. 2008 (April 10) Pour une laïcité ouverte aux religions. L'enseignement du phénomène religieux : limites et promesses (Table-Ronde), Les Universitaires et la formation en éthique et culture religieuse, UQAR/Campus of Lévis, Quebec.
. 1996 (May 16) Is Christianity Redefining Itself in Relation to Eastern Religions, French Canadian Agency for the Advancement of Science, McGill University, Montreal.
. 1996 (March 19) Pour comprendre le bouddhisme, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal.
. 1995 (October 28) Les enjeux du dialogue intrareligieux. Some Guidelines for a New Spirituality in an Age of Religious Pluralism, Canadian Theological Society, Laval University, Quebec.
. 1992 (December) Death in Tibetan Buddhism, Faculty of Protestant Theology, Strasbourg, France.
. 2021 (January 17) The Experience of God according to Raimon Panikkar, Les Chemins de Shanti (video conferencing), France.
. 2020 (September 19) Thoughts and Diseases of the Soul among the Desert Fathers, Les Chemins de Shanti (video conferencing), France.
. 2020 (June 19-21) Das Feuer der Weisheit. Verbindung von christlicher Mystik und östlicher Weisheit, Lassalle Haus, Edlibach, Switzerland (accepted lecture)
. 2020 (June 4) Pour comprendre et vivre le Nuage d'Inconnaissance, Association Spirales and Association Viniyoga, MVA, Reims, France. (accepted lecture)
. 2019 (November 30) Elements for Spiritual Care, Seminar on The Cloud of Unknowing, Solars center, Ottawa.
. 2019 (November 9) To Whom is the Divine Work Addressed, Seminar on The Cloud of Unknowing, Solars center, Ottawa.
. 2019 (October 12) Anthropological Elements at the Foundation of the Divine Work, Seminar on The Cloud of Unknowing, Solars center, Ottawa.
. 2019 (September 14) Characteristics of the divine work, Seminar on The Cloud of Unknowing, Solars center, Ottawa.
. 2019 (June 14) The Fathers and Mothers of the Desert, The Paths of Shanti, Centre saint Hugues, Biviers (Grenoble), France.
. 2019 (March 30) The Holy Spirit and Christian Contemplative Prayer, Holy Spirit Retreat Day, Parcours Alpha, Paroisse St-Joseph d'Orléans, Ottawa.
. 2019 (March 16) The Process of Death and Rebirth, Seminar on The Christian Way and the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2019 (February 16) Tantrism or sexuality for enlightenment: fantasy or proven practice, Seminar on The Christian Way in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2019 (January 19) Kundalini and Chakra Awakening: A Universal Necessity, Seminar on The Christian Way and the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (December 1st) The Person and the Universe: Illusion or Reality, Seminar on The Christian Way in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (November 17) The Steps on the Path to Awakening: What Place for Grace, Seminar on The Christian Way in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (November 17) Steps on the Path to Awakening: What Place for Grace, Seminar on The Christian Path in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (October 20) The practice of meditation: for what results?, Seminar on The Christian Way in the Challenge of Eastern Religions, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (November 23) Silence in the Christian contemplative tradition, Pedagogical day, École secondaire catholique Béatrice-Desloges, Orleans, Canada.
. 2018 (June 1-3) The Spirituality of the Desert. The Teaching of Evagrius the Pontic, L'Arche Saint-Antoine, Saint Antoine l'Abbaye, France.
. 2018 (May 12) Hospitality and interfaith dialogue, Seminar on The Spirituality of the Desert, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (April 14) The Body and Sexuality in Spiritual Warfare, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (March 17) Silence and Solitude: Anguish as an Opening to the Divine, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (February 10) The invisible world: the role of angels and demons on the contemplative path according to the Desert Fathers, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2018 (January 20) Foundations for Spiritual Care, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (December 9) The Contemplative Way and its Stages according to Evagrius the Pontic and John Cassian, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (November 11) Spiritual illnesses in the teaching of the Desert Fathers: symptoms and remedies, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (October 21) The desert as a place of healing: its experience and symbolism, Seminar on The Spirituality of the Desert, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (June 16-18) The contemplative path according to Henri le Saux, Les Chemins de Shanti, Valpré, Lyon, France.
. 2017 (June 1st) The Christian Contemplative Way, Centre de la Méditation Chrétienne and Convergence86, Poitiers, France.
. 2017 (April 15) Challenges of a dialogue with other religions, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (March 18) The Biblical Foundations of Christian Mysticism, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2017 (March 9) Spirituality, religion, contemplation, mysticism. How to find your way through it and especially how to live it, 101 Parent, Ottawa.
. 2017 (January 21) Challenges of Spiritual Care, Seminar on Desert Spirituality, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (December 3) The Path to Wholeness, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (October 15) History and Current Relevance of Christian Mysticism, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (December 3) The Path to Wholeness, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (October 15) History and Current Relevance of Christian Mysticism, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (September 17) The Life and Message of Henri Le Saux: Background and Definition of Key Terms, Seminar on The Teaching of Henri Le Saux, Solars Productions, Ottawa.
. 2016 (April 30) The Teaching of John Main: Roots and Resonance, 25th Anniversary of Christian Meditation of Quebec and French-speaking Regions of Canada, Maison Accueil-Sagesse, Ottawa.
. 2016 (April 3) Is it possible to be spiritual without being religious? Issues and Perspectives, Les Conférences Vivre notre foi aujourd'hui 2015-2016, Sainte-Marie d'Orléans Parish, Ottawa.
. 2015 (September 18-20) The body as a place of spirituality at the heart of the dialogue between Christianity and Buddhism, Seminar on The body in search of transcendence. The application of mindfulness in psychotherapy, Canadian Association of Psychospiritual Interventionists (CAPI), Manoir d'Youville, Quebec.
. 2015 (April 25) God's Work in the 'Cloud of Unknowing', Healing Day: Heart to Heart with the Lord, Église du Très-Saint-Rosaire, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2015 (April 25) Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentoring, Resourcing Day: Heart to Heart with the Lord, Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2015 (April 16) L'Occident à la rencontre de l'Orient : une chance pour le christianisme, Les Conférences St-Alex, Église St-Alexandre, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2015 (February 26) Contemplative theology and spiritual mentoring, Archdiocese of Ottawa, Pastoral Day.
. 2014 (November 22) Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentoring, Consent Prayer Group, Welcome Prayer Resourcing Day, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Church, 5 Saint-Arthur Street, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2014 (November 1st) Contemplative theology and spiritual mentoring, Saturday Meditation Group, Champboisé.
. 2014 (October 21) Contemplative theology and spiritual mentoring, Christian Meditation Group, St. Mary's Church, Orleans.
. 2014 (September 15) Contemplative theology and spiritual mentoring, Consent Prayer Group, St. Alexander Parish, Gatineau.
. 2014 (April 28) Presentation: Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentoring, Spiritual Companions of the Diocese of Gatineau.
. 2013 (April 13) Silence in Christian Prayer, Consent Prayer Enrichment Day, Diocesan Center, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2012 (October 17) Interfaith Dialogue as a Christian Way, St. Alexander Church, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2012 (April 23) Challenges and issues of monastic interreligious dialogue, Abbaye de Pradines (Loire), France.
. 2011 (November 28) Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Retreat in Action, Patro d'Ottawa.
. 2011 (November 18) Presentation on behalf of Saint Paul University of Anselm Grün's lecture, Happiness, Wisdom and Modernity, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau/Ottawa.
. 2011 (October 14) Academic and Research Networks, Doctoral Seminar, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2011 (September 26) What is Spirituality, Centre de spiritualité St-Charles, Seminary of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke.
. 2011 (June 24-25) Saving the spiritual experience of monastic interreligious dialogue. From Encounter to Communion between Otherness and Non-Duality, Two-day Seminar given at the DIM of Belgium, Abbey of Orval, Villers-devant-Orval, Belgium.
. 2011 (June 23) The Contribution of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Benedictine Abbey of Peace Notre-Dame, Liege, Belgium.
. 2011 (June 10) Grace and Method in Henri Le Saux and John Main: A Comparative Study on Christian Prayer, Annual Conference of the Canadian Community for Christian Meditation, Saint Paul University (June 10-12)
. 2011 (June 3) Milestones for a Christian-Buddhist Dialogue, Commission for Christian Unity, Religious Relations with the Jews, and Interfaith Dialogue, Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops, Ottawa.
. 2011 (March 2) Debate on Xavier Beauvois' film Des hommes et des dieux (with Malini Guha of Carleton University and Paul Wells of MacLean's newspaper), Bytowne Cinema (organized by the French Embassy), Ottawa.
. 2010 (October 16-21) Exile et rencontre, colloquium on Henri Le Saux, DIM francophone, Abbaye Saint Guénolé de Landévennec, Brittany, France.
. 2010 (January 8) Swami Abhishiktananda. Interreligious Dialogue as a Spiritual Experience, Quo Vadis (Inter Faith Dialogue Center - Arcot Lutheran Church and Danmission), Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
. 2009 (November 12) L'être humain, carrefour d'énergies (opening lecture), 5th Assises pastorales, Voies de l'Orient, Maison de Notre-Dame du chant d'oiseau, Brussels. (November 12-15)
. 2009 (April 2) Silence in Christian Spirituality, Retreat in Action, Patro d'Ottawa.
. 2008 (November 11) Why Become a Theologian Today, Student Association, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2008 (September 17) The Inter-religious Dialogue, The Bishop's Clergy Conference, Quebec.
. 2008 (July 4) Le dialogue interreligieux, une autre approche de Dieu, Diocèse de Bordeaux, secteur paroissial du Cap Ferret, France.
. 2008 (July 5-6) Le dialogue interreligieux comme chemin de croissance spirituelle, Diocèse de Bordeaux, secteur paroissial du Cap Ferret, France.
. 2008 (January 16) Training of school workers in Competence II (religious phenomena) within the framework of the new program Ethics and Religious Culture (continued), Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2007 (December 4) Training of school workers in Competence II (religious phenomena) within the framework of the new program Ethics and Religious Culture, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2007 (June 30) Challenges and promises of a Christian spirituality of interreligious dialogue, Cap-Ferret Parish, Bassin d'Arcachon, France.
. 2007 (June 4-5) Dialogue and Leadership, Evangelization and Leadership, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2007 (May 28) Dialogue and Identity, Formation of Future Priests, Ursulines, Loretteville, Quebec.
. 2007 (May 25-26) Christian Mission and Interfaith Dialogue, Reaching North America, Conference for the Coordinators of Mission and Evangelization in North America, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2007 (May 23) Presentation of the Spiritualities in Dialogue series (Médiaspaul) at the launch of the books by J. Baxer and A. Low, Saint Joseph's Oratory, Ottawa. Low, Saint Joseph's Oratory, Montreal.
. 2007 (April 22) The Faces of God: What do Christ and Mohammed have to say about it, AETC Lectures, Saint Thomas Aquinas Church, Ottawa.
. 2007 (April 14) Christians and Muslims called to be instruments for healing and Peace, Adult Faith Development, Archdiocese of Ottawa. Diocesan Centre, Ottawa.
. 2007 (March 3) Who are we in Relationship with the Other Great Religions of the World? Diocesan Centre, Ottawa.
. 2007 (February 18) Islam and the West: A Possible Dialogue, Archdiocese of Ottawa Diaconal Family, Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Cyrville, Gloucester, Ottawa.
. 2006 (October 18) Le dialogue entre religions : une autre approche de Dieu, Collège Laflèche, Trois-Rivière, Quebec.
. 2006 (October 17) Le dialogue entre religions : une autre approche de Dieu, Centre St-Charles, Seminary of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke.
. 2006 (June 15) Etre chrétien en dialogue, état et perspective d'une nouvelle vocation, Centre Diocésain de Châlons-en-Champagne, France.
. 2005 (November 24) On the path of interreligious dialogue. Meditation, communion to the essential, Christian Meditation of Quebec, Institute of Pastoral Care, Dominican College, Montreal.
. 2005 (June 24) From September 11 to John Paul II. What you need to know about the dialogue between religions, Commission culturelle de Oiry, Oiry (Champagne), France.
. 2005 (June 3) Christian spirituality and interreligious dialogue, CLR Siloë, Montigny le Bretonneux, Paris.
. 2005 (May 9) Interreligious Dialogue and Christian Spirituality, Secular Franciscans, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Ottawa.
. 2005 (April 9) Les nouveaux défis de l'Église d'aujourd'hui (Round table), Salon du livre de Québec, Quebec.
. 2005 (March 13) Le dialogue interreligieux et la philosophie, La Compagnie des Philosophes, Montreal.
. 2005 (February 12) Interreligious dialogue and understanding Islam, Centre diocésain Archidiocèse d'Ottawa, Ottawa.
. 2004 (December 16) Faut-il avoir peur de l'islam ? Pour un dialogue interreligieux, Centre culturel et sportif, Saint-Thierry, Reims, France.
. 2004 (April 30) La réincarnation : mythe ou réalité, Les Merlettes, Oiry, France.
. 2004 (February 28) The monastic interreligious dialogue, Workshop on Formation for Interreligious Harmony, Diocesan Community Center, New Delhi, India.
. 2002 (December 5) The World Religions and Interreligious Dialogue, St. Alphonsus Parish, Woodstock MD, USA.
. 2001 (December 18) Initiation to Zen meditation, Club de gym, Oiry (Champagne) France.
. 2001 (December 17) Spirituality and Religions in the 21st Century: Challenges and Perspectives, Association d'histoire Les Merlettes, Oiry (Champagne), France.
. 2000 (December 1st) Les défis du pluralisme religion à l'école, Commission scolaire de Laval, Quebec.
. 2000 (March 27) Les enjeux du dialogue interreligieux, Archbishopric of Montreal, Office de l'Éducation, Montreal.
. 1999 (November 22) Le Centre d'information sur les nouvelles religions de Montréal, Le Forum, Paris.
. 1999 (July) Presentation of my doctoral thesis on Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Contact Persons Workshop, Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, Saint Benedict Center, Schuyler, Nebraska, USA.
. 1998 (April 15) Coordinates of Intrareligious Dialogue. The Case of Monks in Dialogue, Centre d'Information sur les Nouvelles Religions (C.I.N.R.), Montreal.
. 1997 (Spring) Challenges and Issues in the Dialogue of Religious Experience, Poorna Jnana Yoga Center, Montreal.
. 1996 (March 6) Beliefs and Worldviews, Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), Montreal.
. 1996 (February 17) Beliefs and Worldviews, Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), Montreal.
. 1995 (October 30) Beliefs and Worldviews, Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), Montreal.
. 1995 (September 25) Beliefs and Worldviews, Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), Montreal.
. 1995 (May 10) Introduction to Buddhism, École Marie-Anne, Montreal.
. 1995 (May 4) Introduction to New Religions, College of Granby, Granby, Quebec.
. 1995 (March 23) Introduction to new religions, Solidarité Jeunesse, Ottawa.
. 1995 (March 10) Introduction aux nouvelles religions, Animateurs pastoraux des prisons du Québec, Montreal.
. 1994 (December 7) Introduction to Buddhism, École Marie-Anne, Montreal.
. 1994 (April 27) Introduction to Buddhism, École Marie-Anne, Montreal.
. 1993 (November 3) Death and Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism, New Religions Information Center, Montreal.
. 1993 (November 2) Death and Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism, Mariannhill Missionary Center, Rock Forest, Quebec.
. 1992 (June) Death in Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhist Temple, Montreal.
. 2019 (December 6) 'Psyche and non-duality (advaita). A contribution from India in the contemplative theology of Henri Le Saux', Mystical Discourses and Theories of the Psyche: a cross-cultural approach, EUROCAMPUS project 'Konjunkturen des Unbewussten/Conjonctures de l'inconscient', December 6-7, University of Strasbourg, France.
. 2019 (October 31) Course THO2410 Introduction to World Religions, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2019 (June 20) Cinema Ti Hanok, Association SEVA, Auray (Bretagne), France.
. 2019 (April 3) Course THO3168 Ways of Christian Life and Prayer: Spirituality, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2019 (February 10) Course THO5514 Steps to Wholeness: Methods and Issues, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2018 (December 6-8) International Symposium, Migrations, mutations, memories: passages in imagination (tribute to Professor K. Madavane), Department of French Studies, Malaviya Molya Anushilan Kendra, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
. 2018 (September 20-22) International Symposium Theology, Spirituality, Edudation. A research conference by the discipline of Christian Spirituality, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
. 2018 (June 15) Cinéma Star St-Exupéry, 18 rue du 22 novembre, Strasbourg, France.
. 2018 (June 10) Brorson's Kierke (Sören Kierkegaard's 17th century church), Danmission (Danish Missionary Society), Copenhagen, Denmark.
. 2018 (June 5) Institut Catholique de Paris, 21 rue d'Assas, Paris, France.
. 2018 (April 20) Saint Paul University Student Association, Saint Paul University, Ottawa.
. 2018 (April 19) Conférences St-Alex, Paroisse St-Alexandre, Gatineau, Quebec.
. 2017 (October 9) Librairie Paulines, Montreal, Canada.
. 2017 (October 1) KSF Niepokalana 2017, 32nd International Catholic Film and Multimedia Festival, John Paul II Collection Museum, Porczynski Foundation, Bankowy Square 1, Varsaw, Poland.
. 2017 (September 25) St. Charles Spirituality Center, Seminary of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, France.
. 2017 (June 27) Association Spirales, Maison de la Vie Associative, 122 Bis rue du Barbâtre, Reims, France.
. 2017 (June 22) Sens & reliance, Salle Jean-Baptiste Souzy, 33 rue Alfred Kastler, La Rochelle, France.
. 2017 (June 19) Abbaye de Pradines, Pradines, France.
. 2017 (June 16-18) Les Chemins de Shanti, Valpré, Lyon, France.
. 2017 (June 15) Cinéma Ciné Toile, Digne-Les-Bains, France.
. 2017 (June 12) Les Chemins de Shanti, Lycée Professionnel St Vincent de Paul, Nîmes, France.
. 2017 (June 7) Paroisse Saint Vincent de la côte des blancs, Salle des ventes, Avize, Champagne, France.
. 2017 (May 31) Convergence86, Lycée saint Jacques de Compostelle, Poitiers, France.
. 2017 (May 30) Bookstore Quand les livres s'ouvrent, Auditorium du Cercle Saint Louis, Place Anatole le Braz, Lorient, France.
. 2017 (29 mai) Cultures et religions en dialogue, UFR lettres et sciences humaines faculté Victor Segalen, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.
. 2017 (11 mai) Première canadienne en anglais, Mayfair Theater à Ottawa, suivie d'une interview de Ginette Gratton de Rogers TV au Black Squirrel Books.
. 2017 (27 avril) Première canadienne en français, au théâtre Mayfair à Ottawa, suivie d'une entrevue de Ginette Gratton de Rogers TV au Black Squirrel Books.
. 2017 (24 février) Première américaine, St Mark's Episcopal Church & Meditation on Marco Island, Parish Hall, St Mark's, Marco Island, Floride.
. 2016 (17 décembre) Première française, Forum 104, Espace de rencontre culturel et interspirituel, Paris.
. 2016 (12 décembre) Groupe de lecture de théologie comparée, Faculté de théologie, Université catholique australienne, Melbourne, Australie.
. 2016 (11 décembre) Symposium sur les aspects tantriques des spiritualités du monde, Mela Interfaith Group et Monash University, Melbourne, Australie. (10-11 décembre 2016)
. 2016 (8 décembre) Première australienne, Interfaith Ashram, Warburton, Australie.
. 2016 (21-23 octobre) Festival international du film religieux, Neuchâtel, Suisse.