When: Sunday, February 25, 2024, 4pm-6pm (Paris) / 10am-12pm (Montreal) / 9am-11am (Costa Rica)
Where: Live videoconference from Luxembourg
Cost: Voluntary contribution
Where: Live videoconference from Luxembourg
Cost: Voluntary contribution
Sufism is known as the mysticism of Islam, the religion of the Prophet Muhammad. While this assertion deserves further study and clarification, the fact remains that this inner dimension of Islam lends itself to very fruitful comparisons with Christian mysticism.
The experience of divine unity (tawhîd) is at the heart of this spirituality, which becomes practical through the repetition of God's name (dhikr) and the ecstatic dance (semâ'). Sufi practices and doctrines have had an important resonance in Christianity over the centuries and even millennia. This talk is an introduction to both Sufism and Christian mysticism. |
Alberto Fabio AMBROSIO is Professor of Theology and History of Religions at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society and co-director of research at the Collège des Bernardins (Paris). After studying Turkish and Ottoman Islam for twenty years, he has been focusing on the links between religion and fashion for over five years. He has published extensively on Sufism and whirling dervishes, including Quand les soufis parlent aux chrétiens. A la rencontre d'un islam fraternel, Paris, Bayard, 2016.
Voluntary contribution. To facilitate participation in our lectures, no fee is required. However, we do ask for your generosity to help us make our activities accessible to as many people as possible.
When you register, you will receive the ZOOM link to attend the event in question. Those unable to attend live will receive a recording of the lecture.
When you register, you will receive the ZOOM link to attend the event in question. Those unable to attend live will receive a recording of the lecture.